Avoid, Engage, Embrace

Our Impact Approach

For most clients, we find that a framework of avoid, engage, and embrace allows them to capture their faith values, helping them to articulate how their particular expression of faith can apply in their portfolio in specific ways.

Avoid harm

Our investment approach starts from the premise that we act to avoid harm for our clients, partners, stakeholders, and the community. We take our responsibility seriously to consciously examine an investment portfolio and help clients to express their conscience through the portfolio.

Engage for Influence

We seek to exercise influence to impact the companies in client portfolios positively. We seek opportunities to express our faith-based values to encourage improved human flourishing for employees and customers and improved shareholders' prospects. We think it is important for the voices of faith-aligned investors to be heard in corporate boardrooms in winsome ways and understand each company's nuances and challenges.

Embrace Positive Solutions

We encourage clients to make targeted allocations to achieve a positive impact through their portfolios, while remaining in line with their financial goals. This might include investing in specific faith-driven investment solutions or allocating to broader market opportunities that improve human flourishing and encourage creation care. We aim to use our capabilities, skills, and experience to make capital work for investors, stakeholders, our community, and the world. We believe faith-aligned investments can make a lasting and positive contribution to people’s lives.

Most of Brightlight’s clients begin with a Judeo-Christian values set of beliefs and teaching. Brightlight works with clients to apply their own understanding of faith-based frameworks within that broad values set. We understand that there exists a range of expressions of faith-based investing - even amongst Brightlight’s clients - and are committed to working with clients on to help them articulate and implement their own approach into their portfolio.

In considering each of the strategies we use - avoid, embrace, and engage - we bring experience in thoughtfully applying these principles to portfolios. You can find more about our approaches in these areas.

Avoid - Portfolio Screening

Engage - Company Engagement

Embrace - Christian Impact Framework